the continuation of the hello series; the ok series!if a link brings you to (seemingly) the wrong tweet, scroll down the thread to find the right tweet
please send me a dm if you notice a mistake or want to give feedback on the theory itself!

OK Prologue: Be Ok

ok episode 1: ok not

what is la divina commedia?

Cix' worldview seems to be mainly based upon the literary texts of La divina commedia. This series was written by Dante Alighieri in the early 14th century in Italy. The series consists of three books and describe Dante's (the main character) journey through hell (part 1; Inferno), purgatory (part 2; Purgatorio), and eventually heaven (part 3; paradiso). Dante travels with his favorite ancient roman poet; Virgil. One might argue that this is just a overrated self-insert fanfic, but as luck would have it, this book became the way the christian church would think of heaven, purgatory and hell for the next 700 years. All of that because Dante wanted to see his dead girlfriend Beatrice again.So far it seems that the Hello series have depicted the Inferno and the Ok series will depict the Purgatorio.For a more detailed and entertaining explanation i really recommend watching Overly Sarcastic Productions on youtube, one of them did amazing summaries on all 3 parts of La divina commedia!